Monday, May 18, 2015

STATE OF THE MONTH ADDRESS: Inspiration Is In the Air!

This month represents an awareness of many observances, and inspiration is in the air.  Based on the two articles, it is clear to see that this National Physical Activity and Sports month.  Great strides have been made to not only increase the importance of physical activity, but to emphasize functional movement for quality of daily living.  This concept is very important and will continue to echo in years to come because of the present need in society: physical literacy for our youth and independence, coordination, and balance for our elderly.
     It is also National Bicycle Safety month, which should cause everyone to be a little more conscious when either riding a bike or driving a motor vehicle.  There are too many incidents involving cars and bicycles where casualties are increasing for the latter.  Great efforts have been made to ensure our roads have clear markings for bicycle lanes, but some bad habits of today’s drivers cause careless actions that leave bicycle riders still at a disadvantage.  It is also imperative for bicycle riders to maintain good habits for the road; communication is a win-win situation.  It is a shame that bad habits have a way of infiltrating our lives to have long lasting affects on the areas that concern us the most (i.e. relationships, family, finances, occupation, and self esteem), but it can be managed by being true to ourselves and having consideration for others. This mainly applies to those behind the wheel because there seems to be a transformation that takes place when most people drive; they seem to think that they are invincible as they become “one” with their vehicle.  As bicyclist and drivers fine tune their situational awareness, the amount of incidents and accidents will decrease. 
      I wanted to also take this time and also highlight the fact that it is National Young Achievers/Leaders of Tomorrow month.  This observance is rare, but very necessary.  I always share the benefits of positive peer pressure with any young person, and how to not succumb to negative peer pressure.  The response is welcoming and most seem confident in themselves.  It seems as if generations over time have learned how to adapt psychosocially to various stressful conditions in society, which leads me to conclude that today’s youth are underestimated and taken for granted at times when it comes to them making good decisions.  Recognizing potential and encouraging our youth to uphold standards because of the example that they see in adults is one great way to continue honoring our youth as young achievers and leaders of tomorrow.  Let’s make a difference in this month of May!

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