Monday, September 21, 2015

Where Did You Get Those Genes?

     Have you ever heard of the saying, “The only thing constant in life is change.”?  It seems as if society hasn’t taken the time to consider the impact of change on our current daily lives in comparison to the past.  Cultural advancements that make our life relatively less complicated has also lulled us into a false sense of satiety, which takes away our readiness to be prepared for change.  The word evolution has to be put into perspective.  Almost everyone is familiar with the theory of evolution, which has nothing to do with practical application for today.  Evolution is, simply, change or progression, or growth, or maturation.  Evolutionary biology is a term that I will share to increase the understanding of our “genes” and how it relates to how we function in today’s society, and how our bodies respond to various forms of activities and nutrients.  I’m also going to introduce some individuals who have premises that are going to inspire a greater level of consciousness about our environment.  I will focus on the concept of evolutionary biology, the importance of energy expenditure, and strategies to maintain behavior adaptation and energy balance to prove that change throughout time has an impact on how we live with function or dysfunction today.
     To begin the conversation of “Evolutionary Biology”, we have to consider the fact that most of us keep evolutionary concepts in history books because we know that there is no practical application for it in today’s society.  That’s not true because during ancient times (50,000-10,000 BC), mankind lived in periods of a feast and famine cycle (hunter/gatherer lifestyle), which our ancient ancestors needed for survival (2, 5).  Herman Pontzer noted that the evolutionary perspective is powerful yet straightforward: the human body has been shaped through natural selection to meet a particular set of ecological conditions and challenges (4).  Physical activity, food, reproduction; this was their concern!  It goes without saying that in times of feast, there was physical activity; in times of famine, there was rest.  This kind of behavior sets in motion a behavior pattern coupled with the physiology (genes/genotype) that signals the body to either thrive of conserve.  Our bodies are programmed to recognize energy expenditure for survival, or preservation of life.  We must give our bodies the right signals to thrive, or live.  The time is now to understand energy expenditure and how it applies to our “thrifty genes”.
     There are a few changes that have occurred in our genes or gene sequences over the past 10,000 years, and certainly not in the last 40 years (2).  Our environment, or ecological condition, demands that we engage in physical activity.  Why?; we live in a time of abundance.  “Thrifty genes, through the course of evolution, function as being exceptionally efficient in the intake and/or utilization of food (2).  A sedentary lifestyle gives the signal for the body to store and not use nutrients efficiently.  There are many chronic illnesses that are being called “diseases of affluence” due to the over abundance state in this country (4).  We cannot be content with this knowing our physiological gene expression is dependant on physical activity, however slight.  A TEE (Total Energy Expenditure) study was conducted showing that it is a process that is shared by all of our organs; it is not a product of body size and physical activity (4).  An ideal state is to have our energy (caloric) expenditure higher during times of rest than at times of physical activity.
     Our BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is the body’s process of energy expenditure at rest, and the first strategy to give thriving signals to the body is environmental awareness.  Increasing our BMR begins with activities that focus on muscular contraction in its simplest form (i.e. pushing, pulling, rotating, level changing).  These movements are used for survival (work), causes automatic interaction with our environment.  Secondly, we must also have sedentary awareness.  Just because there is a demand for results that we entrust machines to produce for us, that doesn’t mean we remove something that has been with us since the beginning of time — self preservation during times of change.
     Everything will cease to exist, as we know it, if we don’t take care of ourselves and the environment.

1. Aspen Institute. Physical Literacy: A Global Environment Scan. Washington D.C.: The Aspen Institute, 2015.
2. Chakravarthy M, Booth F. Eating, exercise and “thrifty” genotypes: connecting the dots toward an evolutionary understanding of modern chronic diseases. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2004; 96:3-10.
3. Farrey, Tom. Sport for All Play for Life: A Playbook to Get Every Kid in the Game. Sports & Society—The Aspen Institute (Washington D.C.). 26 January 2015. Web Pdf. 01 SEP 2015.
4. Pontzer, Herman. Constrained Total Energy Expenditure and the Evolutionary Biology of Energy Balance. ACSM’s Exercise & Sport Sciences Reviews. 2015; 43(3): 110-116.
5. Ribisl, Paul. Darwin Was Wrong: The Thrifty Genotype and Demise of the Fittest. ACSM’s HealthFitness J. 2004; 8(2): 19-21.
6. Whitehead, Margaret. Physical Literacy: Philosophical considerations in relation to developing a sense of self, universality, and propositional knowledge. June 2007.

Physical Literacy: May The Force Be With Us!

     In my May article of “Positive Youth Development”, I introduced physical literacy and explained how it is the ability, confidence, and desire to be physically active according to the Aspen Institute’s report “Project Play, A Playbook to Get Every Kid in the Game” (3).  I also expressed that physical education plays a large role in the development of self expression, but how did we come to conceptualize the word physical literacy?  Countries all over the world have already started generating waves of enthusiasm when it comes to their research and application of making this concept a reality, and the United States is now calling upon organizations to ensure that our efforts are experienced on local and national levels.  We are just getting started and the foundation is strong for us to build upon for many years to come.  This journey of physical literacy began with Margaret Whitehead, the founder of this modern movement.  I will begin to share various schools of thought that helped give birth to this concept and connect it to the “Force” from the movie Star Wars as an analogy to illustrate the significance of interaction with our surroundings.  I will also mention several countries with their initiatives, and how we must be global-minded for our communities to flourish.  The history of physical literacy dates back to the 1990’s.  Margaret Whitehead recognized various debates surrounding education and the need for the improvement of quality of life issues in the United Kingdom.  Philosophy was instrumental in the development of the physical literacy discussion because Margaret noted the premise of most educationalists and philosophers dealt with our embodiment expressed as self-realization, perception, concept development, language formation, rationality, emotion, and the development of interpersonal relationships (6).  After much dialogue and study, it became clear to Margaret Whitehead that our embodiment through human experience is  the basis of how physical literacy can transform into something the whole world can benefit from.  Another key thought to mention is the inherent nature of our environment.  Margaret expressed an interesting point when she stated that “a child does not develop independently from its surroundings” (6).  Our human nature along  with our environment are integrative; we must remember this if we are to improve the physical literacy in this country.  So, with that being said, Margaret Whitehead defines physical literacy as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, understanding, and knowledge to maintain physical activity at an individually appropriate level throughout life (6).  This is how we make philosophy practical; by applying our knowledge to purpose, or function — “The Force”.  Physical literacy can also be described as the ability and motivation to capitalize on our motile potential to make a significant contribution to the quality of life (6).  There is a common theme in physical literacy: motivation.  Movement automatically motivates us because it is what we are designed to do, and to have an impact on the lives of others also.
     The composition of our environment supplies what we need to function.  In the movie “Star Wars”, there is a connection between the environment and those who are sensitive (aware) to the energy that has an impact, or collaborative effort on their thoughts, feelings, and movement — “The Force”.  In physical literacy, the energy received based on our movement allows the body to move in different patterns needed for different life situations.  As in the “Force”, we have an innate potential that helps us develop strength in various capacities so we can also be involved in activities of greater demand.  The Aspen Institute’s report, mentioned earlier, list eight strategies to inspire our youth and the nation to meet long term challenges by having “pride in ownership” with this potential.
     It is good to learn from the success of others.  Collaboration means that there will always be a fresh outlook in anything ventured.  The following countries listed share these accomplishments toward physical literacy awareness; (a) the development of its own definition of physical literacy, (b) initiatives that deliver physical literacy programs through sport and education, (c) initiatives with effective messaging strategies, (d) promotion of physical literacy efforts to policy makers to improve health care costs, (e) initiatives aimed at lower-income and undeserved populations through government-funded  programs, (f) grassroots support to implement physical-literacy-based programs, (g) and assessment tools to measure he outcomes of physical literacy: Canada, Wales, England, Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands, Venezuela, United States (1).
     Our environment needs us, and we need our environment; physical literacy reestablishes the connection, the energy, the “Force”, that will enable us to lay a sound foundation of productivity for future generations. 

1. Aspen Institute. Physical Literacy: A Global Environment Scan. Washington D.C.: The Aspen Institute, 2015.
2. Chakravarthy M, Booth F. Eating, exercise and “thrifty” genotypes: connecting the dots toward an evolutionary understanding of modern chronic diseases. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2004; 96:3-10.
3. Farrey, Tom. Sport for All Play for Life: A Playbook to Get Every Kid in the Game. Sports & Society—The Aspen Institute (Washington D.C.). 26 January 2015. Web Pdf. 01 SEP 2015.
4. Pontzer, Herman. Constrained Total Energy Expenditure and the Evolutionary Biology of Energy Balance. ACSM’s Exercise & Sport Sciences Reviews. 2015; 43(3): 110-116.
5. Ribisl, Paul. Darwin Was Wrong: The Thrifty Genotype and Demise of the Fittest. ACSM’s HealthFitness J. 2004; 8(2): 19-21.
6. Whitehead, Margaret. Physical Literacy: Philosophical considerations in relation to developing a sense of self, universality, and propositional knowledge. June 2007.


State of the Month Address: Be Vigilant!

     With the Fall season upon us, this is an excellent time to recover from some of the year’s most stressful times. This season also represents festive times, but those festive times can give way to some unexpected stressful times. What am I saying? You don’t want to enter this season with your guard down. Despite sincere intentions, anyone or anything may try to take advantage of you to ruin your expectations. We have heard and seen many disturbing reports in the news lately, but our take home message should be that we are not to live in fear; we must recover. In observance of National Recovery Month, I would like to encourage you to always stop and focus when you feel overwhelmed. Nothing is so important that you have to sacrifice your health and well being.
     This is also National Literacy Month. Reading and writing is a form of self expression that really shows how confident and secure a person is, and physical literacy works in the same manner. In this issue, I mentioned the definition of physical literacy with its associated characteristics a person will have after understanding its purpose. Physical literacy will increase the potential of any literacy deficit because of the very nature of physical literacy: self-realization with a focus on quality of life. Physical literacy can infiltrate any area of your life and make it better. Physical Literacy: there is more than enough to go around!
     Little did I know that my articles would go well with another theme or observance of this month — National Self Awareness Month. The advancement of technology is good, but this luxury and comfort comes with a cost. Being vigilant means recognizing distractions and having the will to not remove the reliance, or trust, you should have in yourself. In this day and age of dormancy due to our digital disposition, it’s alright to be bold and know who you are!
     Recovery, Literacy, and Self Awareness have one thing in common: making YOU better in a seemingly confusing environment at times. Tell yourself, “It’s O.K.” and know why you are on the earth. Be Vigilant!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Do Your Best, Even When You Think Your Best Is Not Good Enough

     I wasn’t able to distribute any papers this month due to a mass of occurrences in my life.  My family and I took our oldest child back to college and drove a lot of miles going one way on separate days while my wife and I celebrated, the best way that we could, our 22nd wedding anniversary, and our other two oldest children started school again.  On top of that, I’m working 12 hr. shifts in a new position at a fortune 500 company.  With all that being said, I’m still going to give you all something to benefit from so that life can be better; plus, a good friend at work helped me remember what my passion in life is and how I must be motivated in my own pursuit of happiness, which is giving to you pieces of information to help you live life and manage stress.
     This month represents so many things that I wanted to talk about from journals that really help inform the public, but here is the condensed version.  Energy expenditure has to be put in perspective relating to a historical context compared to now.  This is something I will write about next month, but for now just consider the fact that evolution does not just apply to creation in terms of survival, but it also relates to biological processes and “genes” that have “programmed” mankind during cycles of feast and famine.  By the way, do we live in an age where we are experiencing times of feast and famine now? 
     I also want to give insight on this country’s physical literacy initiative.  I will be distributing more information about how to engage in small, effective ways to increase adult and youth physical and mental stamina in future issues, but I suggest that you take a look at to fully understand how the United States is taking responsibility and action.
     My State of the Month Address is really popular and this month observed many interesting things, but I’m going to stick with what interest me, and maybe some of you, this week: (23) National Ride the Wind Day, (24) National Waffle Day, (25) Kiss and Make Up Day, (26) National Dog Day, (27) Just Because Day, (28) Dream Day, and last but definitely not least (29) National Sarcoidosis Awareness Day.  My wife has sarcoidosis, an autoimmune disease that affects large body organs, but her symptoms don’t seem to be as prevalent right now.  I honor her this month in conjunction with our anniversary.
     Well, that’s all for now.  I will begin again in September with some fresh information that will definitely inspire better living.

Saturday, July 25, 2015


The month of July represents the observance of Baked Beans, Hot Dogs, Blueberries, Hitchhiking, Hemochromatosis awareness, Ice Cream, and the Independence Day of the United States of America, More importantly, Independence represents freedom from control or influence.  What does this mean to YOU?  Is it a word that has value once a year, or does it have a deeper meaning?  Consider, just for a moment, independence being equivalent to Self Esteem being multiplied (X) into YOU; which, when deciphered stands for SEXY (Self + Esteem X You = SEXY).  Some may say that the use of this arithmetic parallel is risky and should not be used in this type of publication, but aren’t you tired of sex infiltrating various forms of media to only have shame as the end result?
During these summer months, sex is worn as a fashion statement emphasizing outward appearance.  Some may agree or even argue that self esteem or self confidence is sexy in itself because it should come from within.  Regardless of your stance, one cannot dispute that the acronym S.E.X.Y may have a valid place in today’s society to address various attacks on our confidence or self worth, which has a very counterproductive impact on our youth as well.  If you ever feel a reduction of self confidence, just know that it is a gradual process; and the development of it isn’t instant either.  Our response to uncomfortable situations plays a large part in the development or the decline of our self esteem.  In order to prevent the decline in self esteem, there must be a realistic conscious approach to life’s issues.  We must be careful not to let external stimuli be the primary means of problem solving.  Development of self esteem begins with the acknowledgement of having the ability to make a difference in one’s own life, and extending that influence to others.  Take proud ownership of the word Independence being matched with Self Esteem, and experience new levels of empowerment.
As the saying goes, “You don’t have to make or spend a million dollars to feel and look like it.”  It takes greats courage to dig deep and exercise internal motivation, even if some life issues warrants external motivation.  Take care though, if external motivation is the initial stimulus, ensure that it agrees with your life’s purpose and that it adds to the quality and quantity of years to come.  Everyone has a purpose!  Intense situations may present challenges to personal commitment so that it becomes difficult to have clarity of thought, but at the end of the day, the conclusion of the whole matter should be that we recognize what our value is and that we have much to offer, regardless of what circumstances may dictate to us.  It doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman; when the going gets tough, take time out to focus on you.  Remember, being S.E.X.Y means that you have the right to express your freedom from anything you define that is not adding to your well-being.  Simplicity is golden.  Going outdoors and being in the presence of good company is so liberating.  This may help build a network that serves many purposes for long term benefits; you fill in the blank.  There will never be an absolute answer or solution in making life easier to live.  Being S.E.X.Y while developing good habits will help us adapt with changes in life.
So the next time you see an advertisement with a sensual under-tone; the next reality show that seems to glorify drama; the next time your in a public setting where everyone is enjoying and celebrating with the same mind set; or during next year’s independence day festivities, remind yourself it is more important to celebrate YOU!

1. Baechle T, Earle R. Essentials of Strength and Conditioning (3rd ed). Baechle T and Earle R, eds. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2008.
2. Powers S, Howley E. Exercise Physiology (7th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
3. Thompson WR. Worldwide survey of fitness trends for 2013. ACSM HealthFitness J. 2012; 16(6): 8-17
4. Vehrs P. Strength Training in Children and Teens: Dispelling Misconceptions-Part One. ACSM HealthFitness J. 2005; 9(4): 8-12.
5. Vehrs P. Strength Training in Children and Teens: Implementing Safe, Effective, and Fun Programs-Part Two. ACSM HealthFitness J. 2005; 9(4): 13-18.


Children will always do what they do best—MOVE.  Society just needs to ensure that their movement tends to productivity for overall physical and psychological wellness.  Advancements in technology has many benefits, but it is imperative that we keep them in perspective by managing our habits and not allow them to be distractions.  As children learn to crawl before they can walk in different stages of development, they will also become interested in various physical activities in the same way and will require further guidance in safe participation in strength activities to reduce the quantity and quality of injuries.
Children are not miniature adults!  The key to preventing injuries in our youth during strength training is mature, responsible coaching and supervision (4).  Risk has to be managed, not avoided when engaging in physical activity and exercise.  The perception that is strength training is unsafe and inappropriate for our youth is inconsistent with current knowledge from research (4).  The main benefit of strength training for youth is neural adaptation.  Development of the nervous system is a major factor in preventing or decreasing the severity of injuries in activities of daily living or sports (4).  Past puberty, adolescents may experience increased lean muscle mass due to increasing amounts of hormonal changes.  This is significant in handling the demands placed on the body as youths mature.  A healthy perspective must be also maintained during this period to prevent the formation of a serious cultural dilemma of external admiration or being too fond of “outward beauty” without building the necessary physical & mental infrastructure.  Designing training priorities into seasons (Off-season, Preseason, In-season, Postseason) builds that infrastructure (1).  The Off-season focuses on muscular balance, symmetry, endurance, and posture with the use of resistance training; Preseason focuses on sport specific skill coupled with light resistance training; In-season focuses on maintenance of preseason training goals; Postseason focuses on active rest, recovery, and therapeutic strategies.   The ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine, estimates that 50% of overuse injuries sustained by active youth can be prevented by emphasizing the balance of sport seasons with physical fitness rather than sport-specific training alone (4).
With the prevalence of childhood obesity today, strength activities should be designed in a manner that encourages participation while addressing the components of health and fitness.  It really breaks my heart to see a child who wants to participate in a sporting activity, but does not due to the fear of not being able to perform the movements confidently.  There are many strength training modalities that are available to help youth athletes improve body composition while engaging in sports at the same time if regular body weight exercises presents a challenge.  Modified body weight, medicine ball, stability ball, rubber tubing, and some free weight training can assist not only in ensuring a successful training session, but also allow for progression to more challenging movements to build individual and team confidence (5).  The use of these training styles also puts focus on proper technique for continued progress in strength.
Reducing distractions, managing risks concerning physical activity, and improving body composition are just some factors that need to be addressed when training youth athletes.  The psychological element of athletics adds to the complexity in adolescent behavior that youth already have a hard time dealing with in regard to personal and social issues due to rapid hormonal changes in their transition to adulthood.  In light of this, we must have a clear and concise definition for sportsmanship.  Sportsmanship is built by having the courage to stare life in the face and overcome opposition while maintaining the will to not compromise self worth.  Let’s TRAIN our youth!

1. Baechle T, Earle R. Essentials of Strength and Conditioning (3rd ed). Baechle T and Earle R, eds. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2008.
2. Powers S, Howley E. Exercise Physiology (7th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
3. Thompson WR. Worldwide survey of fitness trends for 2013. ACSM HealthFitness J. 2012; 16(6): 8-17
4. Vehrs P. Strength Training in Children and Teens: Dispelling Misconceptions-Part One. ACSM HealthFitness J. 2005; 9(4): 8-12.
5. Vehrs P. Strength Training in Children and Teens: Implementing Safe, Effective, and Fun Programs-Part Two. ACSM HealthFitness J. 2005; 9(4): 13-18.


Every where we go, people are becoming more conscious of the need for quality Leisurely Time Physical Activity (LTPA).  Walking, jogging, and running are great, but they only stimulate our body’s aerobic (oxygen present) metabolic response and adaptation to movement.  We must understand that our body also has an anaerobic (oxygen lack) metabolic response and adaptation to movement; only then will we be able to experience improvement in our daily living activities (DLA). 
Before I explain the importance of anaerobic activities, it is equally necessary to explain the difference between a “trend” and a “fad”.  Trend-a general development or change in a situation or in the way people are behaving (3).  Fad-a fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period (3).  Having said this, there are more anaerobic activities that have made it into the Top 10 of the Top 20 worldwide fitness trends for 2013, which is very encouraging.  Anaerobic activities help stimulate the metabolic, hormonal, and neuromuscular response for our bodies to adapt for improved function.  Metabolic stimulation involves the body’s major energy systems responsible for movement (1).  Hormonal stimulation involves chemical messengers that regulate the interaction between the blood and the body’s systems (i.e. nervous system) (1).  Neuromuscular stimulation involves the interaction between motor neurons and various muscle fiber types (1).
Lets get to the HEART of the matter!  Anaerobic activities help to do basically two things: facilitate how mechanical and chemical messages are sent signaling the body to thrive; and to efficiently use calories from nutrient-dense foods during times of rest.  Distress, negative stress, tells the body’s metabolism (nutrient-to-energy processes) to slow down, which signals the conservation or storage of the wrong type of energy products.  This can have long term damaging effects that may impact overall wellness.  Anaerobic activities reverses these negative signals so that when distress is encountered the body’s systems recognize no change in metabolism, and you will have the ability to endure!  This is especially true during times of rest.  Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is a term used to describe energy processes a state of rest (2).  Anaerobic activities have been shown to increase BMR even hours or days after the activity, which puts the focus of caloric expenditure on the resting state instead of an active state because let’s be honest here; who actually stays in an active state for the majority of a 24 hour period.
Simplicity is great, isn’t it?  Body weight can be used for aerobic and anaerobic training.  We most often think of anaerobic activities involving some sort of external weight, but what could be better than our very own body as the foundation for reaching our full potential.  Actually, before touching any external weight, it is always best to use internal loading (bodyweight) to prepare the body to progress in stages of capability.  With this in mind, variety will ensure anaerobic training remains fun and challenging, while aerobic training balances everything out by keeping oxygen utilization in perspective.  NOW we can move better!

1. Baechle T, Earle R. Essentials of Strength and Conditioning (3rd ed). Baechle T and Earle R, eds. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2008.
2. Powers S, Howley E. Exercise Physiology (7th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
3. Thompson WR. Worldwide survey of fitness trends for 2013. ACSM HealthFitness J. 2012; 16(6): 8-17
4. Vehrs P. Strength Training in Children and Teens: Dispelling Misconceptions-Part One. ACSM HealthFitness J. 2005; 9(4): 8-12.
5. Vehrs P. Strength Training in Children and Teens: Implementing Safe, Effective, and Fun Programs-Part Two. ACSM HealthFitness J. 2005; 9(4): 13-18.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


There are many topics of discussion that interest people around different months or seasons.  This column is reserved for inspiration and a good laugh every now and then.  As I bring relevant and captivating information to the community, my desire for every person is to take away something that will impact his or her life in a major way.  This month observes Myasthenia Gravis awareness, PTSD awareness, and National Ice Cream Soda Day on June 30th.
     Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an auto immune disease that affects the neuromuscular system by causing various degrees of weakness in voluntary muscles.  Despite its rarity, many people experience how hard it is to live with quality of life because of the profound effect on breathing.  We take for granted the muscles involved in breathing, but the testimony of those with MG will cause you to think again.  This topic really “hits home” for me because I have a relative who is diagnosed with MG and I just recently told her that I don’t want her to feel as if she is alone.  Support for this infirmity is so important.  I love her and I want to share that sentiment with you all for comfort during the times when support is much needed.  Support groups offer an outlet to connect and bond with those who can associate with the physical and psychological limitations.  It really makes the difference when the days, weeks, and months get really tough to handle.  My hope for everyone with MG and other debilitating diseases is to be encouraged and empowered by the fact that they are not defined by the things that come against them to bring them down; overcoming those things is a testament that will attract more of what they desire.  In essence, the attention is on the well being of the person, and not the negative nature of the disease.  “Empire” is the new smash hit television show on FOX whose lead character, Lucious Lyon, is diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis.  This development occurred close to the end of season one, and really set the stage for an interesting turn of events for the upcoming season two.  I’m looking forward to it this fall because the producer, Lee Daniels, along with the cast and crew seems to be very passionate about creating the awareness about how to live loving yourself with that being an extension of how you appreciate support despite past character flaws.  The show has multiple story lines, but the situation surrounding Lucious Lyon is sure to be an eye-opener and start the conversation of this particular auto immune disease.  For more information on Myasthenia Gravis, is a great source.
     As a retired veteran of the armed services, I also know about the signs and symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  PTSD awareness is also needed because the behavior patterns can seem confusing to someone who doesn’t understand, and even though it’s associated more with those who served in the military, anyone can experience the effects of this disorder.  Noticeable signs are a heightened sense of awareness, dreams that manifest various behaviors, and nervousness around loud sounds.  I know because I have experienced them all.  Symptoms relate to what you can feel, and I can only imagine how broad the spectrum can be for some people.  Support for PTSD can come in many ways.  One popular way is the company of a pet.  It can bring such a calming presence that has long lasting effects.  PTSD can manifest unpredictable behavior so professional therapy is also helpful.  The end result of any type of support should always be improvement of self esteem, and that the person is never alone in this journey of life.
     Now with the National Ice Cream Soda Day coming up, this just might be a good way to have a reason to set aside all the drama in the world and take time out to smile and enjoy something delicious.  I’m a naturally serious person so taking time out to consciously enjoy something simple helps me create a balance.  Enjoying something this simple can be a time-honored tradition to help bring people together.  With so much division around us or disturbing events, it’s nice to have something that takes the complexity out of life. 
1. Baechle T, Earle R. Essentials of Strength and Conditioning (3rd ed). Baechle T and Earle R, eds. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2008.

2. Geither C, McKenney D. Strategies for Aging Well. NSCA Strength and Conditioning J. 2010; 32(5): 36-52.

3. Gilson T. Outcomes of Confidence in Sports Training Settings. NCSA Strength and Conditioning J. 2010; 32(5): 91-96.

4. Robinovich S, et al. Prevention of Falls and Fall-Related Fractures through Biomechanics. ACSM’s Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 2000; 28(2): 74-79.

5. Rose D. The Role In Preventing Falls Among Older Adults. ACSM’s Health and Fitness J. 2015; 19(3): 23-29.