The month of July represents the observance of Baked Beans, Hot Dogs, Blueberries, Hitchhiking, Hemochromatosis awareness, Ice Cream, and the Independence Day of the United States of America, More importantly, Independence represents freedom from control or influence. What does this mean to YOU? Is it a word that has value once a year, or does it have a deeper meaning? Consider, just for a moment, independence being equivalent to Self Esteem being multiplied (X) into YOU; which, when deciphered stands for SEXY (Self + Esteem X You = SEXY). Some may say that the use of this arithmetic parallel is risky and should not be used in this type of publication, but aren’t you tired of sex infiltrating various forms of media to only have shame as the end result?
During these summer months, sex is worn as a fashion statement emphasizing outward appearance. Some may agree or even argue that self esteem or self confidence is sexy in itself because it should come from within. Regardless of your stance, one cannot dispute that the acronym S.E.X.Y may have a valid place in today’s society to address various attacks on our confidence or self worth, which has a very counterproductive impact on our youth as well. If you ever feel a reduction of self confidence, just know that it is a gradual process; and the development of it isn’t instant either. Our response to uncomfortable situations plays a large part in the development or the decline of our self esteem. In order to prevent the decline in self esteem, there must be a realistic conscious approach to life’s issues. We must be careful not to let external stimuli be the primary means of problem solving. Development of self esteem begins with the acknowledgement of having the ability to make a difference in one’s own life, and extending that influence to others. Take proud ownership of the word Independence being matched with Self Esteem, and experience new levels of empowerment.
As the saying goes, “You don’t have to make or spend a million dollars to feel and look like it.” It takes greats courage to dig deep and exercise internal motivation, even if some life issues warrants external motivation. Take care though, if external motivation is the initial stimulus, ensure that it agrees with your life’s purpose and that it adds to the quality and quantity of years to come. Everyone has a purpose! Intense situations may present challenges to personal commitment so that it becomes difficult to have clarity of thought, but at the end of the day, the conclusion of the whole matter should be that we recognize what our value is and that we have much to offer, regardless of what circumstances may dictate to us. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman; when the going gets tough, take time out to focus on you. Remember, being S.E.X.Y means that you have the right to express your freedom from anything you define that is not adding to your well-being. Simplicity is golden. Going outdoors and being in the presence of good company is so liberating. This may help build a network that serves many purposes for long term benefits; you fill in the blank. There will never be an absolute answer or solution in making life easier to live. Being S.E.X.Y while developing good habits will help us adapt with changes in life.
So the next time you see an advertisement with a sensual under-tone; the next reality show that seems to glorify drama; the next time your in a public setting where everyone is enjoying and celebrating with the same mind set; or during next year’s independence day festivities, remind yourself it is more important to celebrate YOU!
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